6 Steps to Keyword Success

6 Steps to Keyword SuccessIt is surprising how often keyword research is overlooked when people talk about optimizing their website, blog or other online assets for search engines.  The thinking often goes that when you come up some keywords that represent your product, and you optimize your online efforts around these keywords, your target market will find you.  There are several variations of this thinking.

It’s a good start; however, this is only part of the equation.  A key factor is missing, which is how many internet searchers are typing those particular queries into search engines.  It is imperative that, before beginning any kind of search optimization, you find out what queries people are using to search for your type of product or service.

6 Steps to Keyword Success - keyword researchFor example, you may think that “keyword research” is a great keyword.  If you dig deeper, you would find that “keyword tool” and “google keyword” are relevant keywords which are actually searched more often in Google.  Depending on the context, these may be better keywords to optimize for.

It’s the small step of gathering that intelligence which will make all the difference to your search optimization.  It is surprisingly quick, easy and free to gather all of the information you need to make informed keyword selections.  Here are six steps to keyword success:

  • Brainstorm keyword ideas and themes: Use your knowledge of industry jargon and key terms to create a basic list. Include everything you can think of that is relevant to your product or service.
  • Use a keyword tool: Take brainstorming a step further and gather intelligence. To get expand reach and increase awareness for a brand, marketing agencies use a variety of marketing tools. You should do the same. The best keyword tool for every reputable marketing professional out there, without doubt, is the free Google Keyword Tool.  While other search engines exist, SEO efforts should be focused on Google search results.  Where better a place to gather keyword intelligence than Google itself?
  • Build out a list: Spend some time with the Google keyword tool and build a list of every conceivable keyword combination that has search volume.
  • Do a ranking scan: Find out how you are currently ranking in the Google SERP’s for the most relevant keywords in your keyword list.
  • Look at your analytics: Log in to your Google analytics account and take a close look at what keywords your organic search traffic is coming from currently. Watch the video below to learn more about Google Analytics.

  • Analyze your keywords: Once you’ve gathered intelligence on your keywords, sit back and look for opportunities. For example, is there a keyword in your list where you are currently ranked 15th, that is already bringing decent traffic to your website and has big search volume (i.e. big traffic potential)?  That’s probably a keyword you should target.

Keyword selection should be based on more than just what sounds good.  It should also be based on search volume (i.e. traffic potential), current rankings and current traffic volume.

Finally, of course, your keywords should always be as relevant as possible to the content of the page that you are optimizing.  For, all of the non-relevant traffic you can get will not bring you results of it does not convert. To allow yourself to focus more on other equally important aspects of your business, think about increasing your online visibility with the help of a firm that specializes in professional SEO services.The services provided are cost-efficient and convenient and can be customized according to your needs.